Thursday, June 8, 2017

You Will Never Fade Away

In the words of Wake by Hillsong Young & Free, You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay.  Today was a fun day for our team!  We worked with teenagers at VBS discussing how a life with Christ is so much better than a life without Him.  We discussed, in depth, how important it is to further your walk as your life goes on because He is the only way to salvation.  We also got them up and moving learning our dance to Wake.  While some thought it was silly, others embraced it.  It's so interesting how no matter where you are in the world, kids will be kids.  After dancing and devo, we got their creative juices flowing and they painted mini canvases.  The talent in some of these kids is incredible.  

Our construction team worked mixing concrete on the top of the building.  They worked tirelessly and faithfully in the blazing hot sun.  We are so proud of our entire team and how they have come together to do the work of the Lord.

After finishing up for the day, we travelled back to the hotel to get ready for our fun night out on the town.  We got to play tourist for the night!  There is an angel statue that sits on top of one of the mountains that is so beautiful.  We travelled to it, photographed it, and had dinner on top of the mountain.  What an amazing view.  After dinner, a party bus awaited us and took us through the downtown area of Quito as a mariachi band played in the back of the bus and a DJ played in the front.  We danced and sang our hearts out!

I cannot wait to see what's in store for Day 5!  Hope you enjoy these pics from our day!