As children of God, we are so very blessed by His grace. We take for granted the things that others only dream to have. Watching these children makes me realize how great our God is. The fact that they have nothing, yet they come to learn and worship with a smile on their little faces each day. Today, we made crowns and masks after our lesson on Esther. Each child wore his or her crown with pride and then proceeded to have a "sword fight" with the multitude of balloon swords we made for them. I decided to take a step back and be still. As I listened to the laughter, the voices, and all that was happening around us, I realized that we don't need a lot to be happy. All we really need is our faith. God will provide the rest.
SIFAT is a wonderful organization in that they teach cultures practical ways to survive off of what they already have. Whether it be showing them how to get clean drinking water or how to make a stove out of things from their surroundings, these people are learning to care for themselves with very little. People all over the world are learning how to take care of their basic needs because one family had a love in their heart for those who were less fortunate than they. Wow. Their organization has changed the lives of so many. Thank you SIFAT for the opportunity to grow with you and with Christ.
I think that our photos tell more of a story today than anything else... I hope you enjoy!