Sunday, June 4, 2017

How Sweet the Sound

Think back to your first memory.  Did it involve a sight?  A sound?  A smell?  A feeling?  Chances are, all of your memories involve at least one of your senses.  As we stepped off of the plane in Quito yesterday, the memories and emotions from two years ago came flooding back in an instant.  Everything about this place puts me at ease.  The sights of the city lights at night, the sound of children laughing and buses honking, and the smell of the site where we are working are only a few examples of what makes this place unique... unlike any other place in the world.  Today was our first day here and I can already feel the presence of God in this place.

Every morning, we all sit down to breakfast together and prepare for our day.  This morning was unique in that after breakfast, we set out to Calderon.  If you recall from our last blog, Calderon is the site where we worked on our last mission.  We laid the foundation of a building, and now we will be helping to complete that very same building.  But the mission isn't what made today interesting.  What made today interesting was that we were able to go to church and worship with the very people that we are helping.  While language is an obvious barrier, they provide translators so that we can understand most of what is going on and fully experience worship.  Everything about the service was wonderful, but there is nothing like two cultures coming together to worship one God in song. 

We sang many songs, but when we began to sing Amazing Grace tears welled up in my eyes. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound... and what a sound it was.  There were hands being lifted to God, people accepting Christ into their hearts, and all over the room there were happy people who were just thankful to be there praising Jesus. Children laughed, people sang, and our lives were changed once again.  I am so excited to see what God has in store for our week!

And of course, we got to have a little fun today visiting the Middle of the World and eating lunch at a volcano.  One thing Ecuadorian people know how to do, and do well, is eat.  We had a wonderful time enjoying each other's company and resting before our busy week ahead.  

I cannot wait to post about our day tomorrow and the rest of the week.  Stay tuned!!!

Here are a few pics from our day: