Monday, June 1, 2015

Working for God

To quote Nehemiah: "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down."  These words rang in my head all day as we worked to help the people of Calderon, Ecuador.  So often we let other influences distract us from the work that God has intended for us to do in order to glorify Him. This trip is proof that when you remove all of those distractions, wonderful things occur. 

The site we are working at is about an hour away from our hotel. It seems to be a smaller community of people compared to the 2.2 million people that live in Quito.  To be honest, I had no idea what to expect and was a little nervous on the way there, but when we arrived, an overwhelming peace came over me and I knew that this place is where God wants us to be. Here is a photo of the area that VBS is being held this week. 

Half of us worked with the children and the other half did construction. I can only speak from the construction viewpoint today, as that was where I felt led to be. We are so accustomed to having huge machines do most of the work for us in the U.S., but here those means are not readily available. Today, our job was to fill the "holes" for the concrete to be laid. So, we shoveled rocks and dirt into buckets and wheelbarrows and then transported them into the building where they were dumped, spread and compacted. I kept thinking to myself that I would eventually get tired from the constant motion of shoveling pound after pound of rocks and dirt, but those words I mentioned at the beginning kept coming back to me and never once did I wear out. I must brag on our team to everyone reading this blog.  Not one time, all day long, did I hear the first complaint. We worked so well together whether it was spending time teaching the children about Jesus or filling holes for what will become a school. Way to go team GSUMC!

Here are a few photos from the day:
The large squares between the beams of concrete, yeah, those are the holes. 

After dinner tonight, we had a devotion time and shared things with one another about our day. So many of the children in this area come from disfunctional families and have no idea what it is like to be truly loved. We discussed how important it is to show these children, even if only for a few days, that they are loved. We are planting seeds for the rest of their lives. They are the future. So, with that being said, hug your babies tight tonight and let them know how much they are loved because there are children all over the world who would give anything to feel an ounce of what your children are given every single day. 

Please pray for the people of Ecuador that they will one day be able to experience even just a little bit of what we  get for our entire lives. 

Thanks for reading and we'll update you again tomorrow!