Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Fun Day!

Today has been such a blessing and a treat. Let me start off by saying that if you ever get the opportunity to visit this place, take it!

After we left the hotel this morning, we set out for the Middle of the World museum. It was quite a lengthy drive, but worth every mile. We got to stand in both hemispheres at once, balance an egg on a nail, and see and experience the culture and history of this area. There is so much history to be learned from this experience and today was only our first full day!

After our journey to the middle of the world, we came back to our hotel and had a wonderful lunch before going to church. 

If you think people from the south like to eat, try going to Ecuador!  

There are so many things to be thankful for, but being able to worship with a different culture was the most rewarding experience. From singing worship songs to hearing the Word of God in Spanish, to say the presence of the Lord was in this place is an understatement. We joined together in singing "Here I Am to Worship" in both English and Spanish which brought many tears of joy as we worshipped. I will save all the details for later, but here are a few visuals to give you an idea of where we were today. 

I will leave you with this thought: When you go to sleep tonight in your comfy bed in your home no matter the size, just remember that you are blessed. Please pray for us as we go to our posts of construction and VBS tomorrow. Thanks for reading!