Sunday, May 31, 2015

Traveling to Ecuador!

First, I would like to start off by thanking everyone who made this trip possible. God has blessed us beyond measure and we are so very grateful!  We hope you enjoy our posts throughout the week as we share the awesome things that God is doing through us. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. 

This is a prayer cloth someone made for everyone on our team. Beautiful!

Yesterday was our travel day and boy was it exciting. We started our day off at 3am as we met at the church. Our team consists of 10 gals and 2 guys so I'm sure you can imagine the giggles and funny moments at that early of an hour. It was then that we decided to start a journal of quotable moments for our trip. From Tristen Fitts starting off the day by saying how she "loves the sky" to Lee Stringfellow ending our first day with "You  can't go wrong with meat and potatoes.", we had such an amazing and peaceful journey to South America. 

Our first stop after check-in at Hotel Tambo Real... McDonald's of course.

The food in Ecuador, even McDonald's, is amazing. One of our SIFAT guides told us that everything is prepared with fresh ingredients. I'm sure good ole Mickey D's has some processed foods happening, but it was way better than any fast food I've had in the US. We anticipated eating decent food, but we never expected steak and potatoes on our very first night!  We can't wait to see what else is in store!!

It is time to go out and start the day so we will post more later, but before we go, here are a few photos from our journey thus far: