Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stop and Listen... To the Music

     There is something about Ecuador that words simply cannot describe, but each and every day that I wake up here God places a song in my heart.  A song that is perfect for our journey.  A song that couldn't be better for the day that lies ahead.  Today, our first day back in Quito since 2017, I woke up singing a song that I've known for most of my life.  Little did I know that a few short hours later we would be singing it in Spanish at church.

This is the day

This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice
And be glad in it
And be glad in it
This is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made

Este es el día

Este es el día
que el Señor ha hecho
me regocijaré y celebraré
este es el día
que el Señor ha hecho
me regocijaré
me regocijaré y celebraré
el está detrás de mí
camina a mi lado
vive en mi interior
es el amigo de mi alma
es mi defensor
es mi proveedor
su rebosante misericordia
se renueva cada día

Singing it in English and singing it in Spanish are very different... especially when you don't know how to speak Spanish.  Try singing it in Spanish for a few minutes.  It's so fun!  

We worshiped this morning at the church in Aida Leon where we will be teaching VBS & doing construction this week.  We were surrounded by children in the service and it was a glorious sound.  Everyone was laughing and happy and acted as though they didn't have a care in the world.  They were embracing the day that God had given them... no matter what their circumstances may be.  
I feel like this was the perfect song to set our trip up.  

The preacher talked about the Parable of the Wedding Feast this morning.  We are the bride and Jesus is our groom.  Funnily enough, we talked about this in youth a few weeks ago so it was fresh on our minds.  What if we treated Jesus like he was our groom?  What if we fully submitted ourselves to him like he so longs for us to do?  Imagine what we could do for this world.  My prayer for our team this week is that we are fully present and fully engaged in the task God has set before us.  

We ask that you pray for our safety and that all goes well during day one tomorrow!

I cannot wait to see what this week holds.  Stay tuned!  I will update you tomorrow night.