Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 3 pics

Today the construction crew began & finished the work of mixing concrete (with no equipment, by the way) and filling in 3 holes for the foundation of the building. It was a long, hard day of shoveling, mixing, and passing buckets of concrete mix down the "bucket brigade" line.

Even though the day was exhausting, the entire team has headed to the market to find some more bargains before coming home Saturday. (Well, the entire team minus the exhausted team leader who is updating the blog...)

VBS had a great day with lots of crafts today. Other team members have some great photos and video that you will see later...

Note how close the guys are to the edge of the large hole while stacking the rebar. Yes, it was quite dangerous but nobody fell in, except Hank who kind of "jumped in" to avoid a nasty fall.

Brian carries a bag of concrete mix to the appropriate spot for mixing.

David assists Richard in navigating the wheelbarrow successfully over the plank bridge to the concrete mix pile.

Mixing the sand and gravel...

Mixing the concrete!